Faculty Committees are established and led by the professors of Cardozo Law. Meetings are called by faculty with opportunity for student input on policy that affects the student body.

Following review by the Legislative & Procedural Committee, the President's nomination for the voting student member of the faculty’s Academic Standards committee and two non-voting student members to the faculty’s Educational Policy committee shall be forwarded to the Senate. S.B.A. Const. art. III, § 5, cl. 26(b)(iii).


Academic Standards Committee: This committee develops and enforces academic integrity and disciplinary policies. One student serves on this committee as a full voting member with respect to disciplinary matters; that student does not participate in committee matters relating to academic dismissals or general policy. That student will be chosen by the SBA, in consultation with the Dean of Students.


Educational Policy Committee: This committee formulates policies regarding the academic programming of the law school including degree requirements, the curriculum and related policies. Two students serve as formal liaisons to, and attend the meetings, of this committee. They do not vote on committee matters. The two students will be chosen by the SBA, in consultation with the Dean of Students.