After reviewing each Senator’s preferences, the President has the discretion to assign each Senator to one (1) of the five (5) SBA Senate Standing Committees, subject to approval by 2/3 of the Senate. S.B.A. Const. art. III, § 5, cl. 24. A Student-at-Large is appointed by the SBA President to each of the SBA Senate Standing Committees. S.B.A. Const. art. IV, § 6, cl. 39(a).


The Legislative Committee is led by the President of the SBA. The Legislative Committee studies and reviews all proposed changes in the SBA Constitution, By-Laws, Election Rules, and rules of procedure for the Senate, its commissions and committees, the Judicial tribunal, and recommended changes to the Senate. 

In conjunction with the Budget Committee, the Legislative Committee handles bills involving internal SBA activities and club constitutions. The Legislative Committee has the power to promptly enter changes to the Constitution, By-Laws, Budget Rules, or Judiciary Rules of Procedure that were passed by the Senate and the Student Body.

Voting members: SBA President (Chair), and four (4) to five (5) Senators. The Vice President, Secretary and one (1) Student-at-Large shall be non-voting members. S.B.A. Const. art. III, § 5, cl. 26(a).


The Events Committee is led by the Secretary of the SBA. The Events Committee plans and publicizes events it sees useful for the student body, including but not limited to: Student Networking Events, Fall Bash, Barrister’s Ball, Fall and Spring Semester Student Appreciation Weeks, and Mentor-Mentee Events.

Voting Members: SBA Secretary (Chair), and four (4) to five (5) additional Senators. The SBA President, Treasurer, and one (1) Student-at-Large shall be non-voting members. S.B.A. Const. art. III, § 5, cl. 28(a).


The Budget Committee is led by the Treasurer of the SBA. The Budget Committee makes all SBA finances available to the entire student through managing club sponsorship as well as budget and event processes. The Committee liaises with clubs and reviews the annual budgets submitted by club presidents, making recommendations to the SBA Senate regarding requests from student groups for sponsorship and funding. Additionally, the Budget Committee manages and updates the SBA club directory with group descriptions, officer contact information, and by-laws.

Voting Members: SBA Treasurer (Chair) and four (4) to five (5) additional Senators. The SBA President, Vice President, and one (1) Student-at-Large shall be non-voting members. S.B.A. Const. art. III, § 5, cl. 25(a).


The School and Affairs Committee is led by the Vice President of the SBA. The Student Life Committee considers and makes recommendations on all matters of educational policy and deals with all matters involving University actions and policies, both academic and non-academic. The Committee researches and initiates action to improve University student services and is the American Bar Association (ABA) liaison to the student body. The Committee oversees the SBA Orientation Chairperson, the Yearbook Editor and Committee, and the Mentor-Mentee Chairperson. The Student Life Committee also coordinates at least one community service event for the student body each semester.

Voting Members: SBA Vice President (Chair), and five (5) additional Senators. The SBA Secretary and Treasurer and one (1) Student-At-Large shall be non-voting members. S.B.A. Const. art. III, § 5, cl. 27(a).


The Career Services Committee is led by the Student Trustee. The Career Services Committee seeks out feedback about events and the Office of Career Services (OCS) initiatives from students, manages and regularly updates to the OCS Facebook page with events and news, and provides resources to students related to career advancement. S.B.A. Const. art. III, § 5, cl. 24(a) and art. IV, § 6, cl. 39(a).


The Law and Equity Committee works directly with the Student Director of Diversity and Inclusion to advocate for and support marginalized students on Cardozo’s campus. In this role, senators act as liaisons between students and administration, relaying concerns and brainstorming ways to improve the on-campus community for students from underrepresented backgrounds. Additionally, members of the committee will work with MLSA to empower on-campus affinity and cultural groups through attendance at programming and event support and assistance with marketing and promotion. 

Finally, the Law and Equity Committee will work closely with faculty members in charge of academic planning to ensure that professors are working to eliminate classroom techniques that alienate and distract marginalized students through training, student panels, and more. It is important to note that in addition to being on the Law & Equity Committee there will be an opportunity to be a part of the Academic Success Committee which has additional roles and responsibilities. S.B.A. Const. art. III, § 5, cl. 30(a) and art. IV, § 6.


The SBA President has the power to establish ad hoc committees (S.B.A. Const. art. IV, § 6, cl. 39(a)) and the Senate has the power to establish temporary committees, akin to task forces (S.B.A. By Laws art. VII, 7.8, cl. 1).


The Multimedia Committee oversees the maintenance of the SBA website. The Multimedia Committee ensures that all information provided is up to date and strives to include content on the website that will be of use to current and prospective students of Cardozo.

The SBA President reestablished the Multimedia Committee on September 1, 2020 during the first meeting of the 2020-2021 S.B.A. Senate.