Our Role in Supporting Students with Financial Stress and Promoting Financial Literacy

The Cardozo Student Bar Association is sensitive to the needs of our student body, particularly folks who are experiencing financial difficulties. Between the cost of attending law school and the cost of living in NYC, we recognize that financial stress can make the law school experience more difficult, so we seek to provide financial resources when possible.

List of Business with Student Discounts

Emergency Funds


Fair Fares

Fair Fares NYC is a City program created to help New Yorkers with low incomes manage their transportation costs. Using the Fair Fares NYC MetroCard, eligible New York City residents receive a 50% discount on subway and eligible bus fares. Pay-per-ride weekly unlimited, and monthly unlimited options are all available.

  • Must be between the ages of 18 and 64

  • Do you receive a discounted MetroCard through DSS/HRA or any other NYC?

  • Must live in New York City