“All legislative and final administrative authority of the Association shall be vested in and exercised by the SBA Senate, for the promotion of the welfare and interest of the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law, subject to the limitations enumerated in this Constitution.”
-Article III, Section 1 of the SBA Constitution
Scroll through the class Senators by using the right and left arrow keys, clicking anywhere on each main image, or by clicking on each thumbnail image.
To email a specific Senator, click on their email address.
1L SEnators

Undergraduate institution: Fairleigh Dickinson University, Business
Campus involvement: Multimedia Committee; Sports Law Society; Business Law Society; Real Estate Law Association; Jewish Law Students Association

Undergraduate institution: UC Santa Cruz, Computer Science

Undergraduate institution: College of Staten Island, Political Science
On-campus involvement: LALSA; IP Law Society; Gates and Martinidez Scholar

Undergraduate institution: Texas Tech University, Political Science

Undergraduate institution: New York University, Media, Culture, and Communication, Law & Society minor
On-campus involvement: SBA, Women's Law Initiative, IP Law Society, Business Law Society, Entertainment Law Society, Family Law Society

Undergraduate institution: New York University, Art History & Sociology

Undergraduate institution: New York University
On-campus involvement: APALSA, Suspension Representation Project

2L Senators

Undergraduate institution: University of Maryland - College Park, History (concentration in American history) & Government and Politics
Campus involvement: Co-President of Sports Law Society; Legal Writing Teaching Assistant; Arts and Entertainment Law Journal.
Internships: Westchester County District Attorney's Office; New York County Lawyers Association Fee Dispute Resolution Program

Undergraduate institution: Syracuse University, Political Science
Campus involvement: BLSA; ADR; Kathryn O. Greenberg Immigration Justice Clinic
Internships: Maduegbuna Cooper LLP

Undergraduate institution: Northwestern University, Theatre & Gender Studies
Campus involvement: Law & Literature Journal; Unemployment Action Center; SBA Law & Equity Committee
Internships: Teaching Fellowship at Legal Outreach; Bet Tzedek Civil Litigation Clinic

Undergraduate institution: New York University, Political Science
Campus involvement: Staff Editor - Cardozo Journal of Equal Rights & Social Justice; Social Co-Chair - OUTLaw; Secretary/Affinity Group Liaison - American Constitution Society
Internships: Judicial Intern for Hon. Robyn F. Tarnofsky, Southern District of New York; New York City Housing Authority

Undergraduate institution: Touro University, Political Science
Campus involvement: Cardozo Law Review; Heyman Scholar, May Mentor; Women's Law Initiative; JLSA Member, Antitrust Society
Internships: Federal Trade Commission, Northeast Region (Bureaus of Competition and Consumer Protection)

Undergraduate institution: Rutgers University, Cell Biology and Neuroscience
Campus involvement: SALSA; Benjamin B. Ferencz Human Rights and Atrocities Prevention Clinic
Internships: 1st Appellate Division NY

3L SenatorS

Undergraduate institution: Purchase College, Opera
Campus involvement: Moot Court Honor Society
Internships: Mischel & Horn, P.C.

Undergraduate institution: University of Iowa; History & Political Science
Campus involvement: Law Review; Public Service Scholars
Internships: NYSDHR, NYC law department labor & employment division; Filmmakers Legal Clinic; Crowell & Moring

Undergraduate institution: Syracuse University; Forensic Science, Biology, and Psychology
Campus involvement: Public Service Scholars; Moot Court Honor Society; Trial Team Honor Society; Pro Bono Scholars; National Lawyers Guild
Internships: Innocence Project; Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem

Undergraduate institution: Touro University, Management & Marketing
Internships: Prosecutor Practicum; State Criminal Prosecution Clinic; Queens DA

Undergraduate institution: University of Southern California, Public Policy
Campus involvement: Criminal defense clinic
Internships: The Brennan Center for Justice; The Innocence Project

LLM Senator

Undergraduate institution: Bachelor of Laws LL.B (Israel)
Campus involvement: Suspension Representation Project (SRP Club), JLSA Club, Public Interest Law Student Association (PILSA)


Northeastern University
Campus involvement: The Innocence Project, Clinic Intern; Minority Law Student Alliance, President; Public Service Scholar; Trial Team
Innocence Project

Colgate University
Political Science major, English minor
Campus involvement: SAL Events Committee 1L; 1L Representative, Family Law Society; Wine Society

Undergraduate institution: Northwestern University, Economics and Journalism
Campus involvement: Law Review, Christian Law Student Association, Antitrust Society
Internships: Ballon Stoll LLP, Special Education Law and Advocacy Field Clinic

Undergraduate institution: Wake Forest University, Politics and International Affairs and Communication
Campus involvement: Sports Law Society, Family Law Society, Courtroom Advocates Program, Uncontested Divorce Project

Undergraduate institution: New York University; double major in Studio Art and Philosophy
Campus involvement: LALSA, Cardozo Art Law Society, Gates and Martinidez Scholar

Undergraduate institution: Baruch College, Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Campus involvement: EPC Student Representative, VP of Cannabis Law Society

Undergraduate institution: CUNY Baruch College, B.A. in Digital Communications and Culture
Campus involvement: Cardozo Journal of Conflict Resolution; Cardozo Art Law Society; Women's Law Initiative
Internships: Clyde & Co. LLP

Undergraduate institution UC Berkeley, Sociology
Campus involvement: Public Service Scholars, Unemployment Action Center

Undergraduate institution: University of Miami, FL - Political Science
Internships: Redmond Law PLLC

Undergraduate institution: Yeshiva University, Sy Syms School of Business. Majors: Business Strategy & Entrepreneurship and Data Analytics
Campus involvement: Business Law Society, JLSA, SBA Budget Committee

Undergraduate institution:Boston University, Psychology
Campus involvement: Senator at Large, Student Life Committee

Undergraduate institution: University of California, Irvine; Political Science & Criminology
Campus involvement: 1L Representative for the Women's Law Initiative