Photography provided by Cara Solina.

The Student Bar Association (SBA) is Cardozo’s student government, elected by and representing nearly 1,000 students.

An umbrella organization overseeing more than forty student groups and organizations, each reflecting the diverse and distinctive Cardozo student body, the SBA determines the budget of each approved student group and ensures that the funds are spent properly.


Our Mission

The SBA seeks to provide the Cardozo community with a responsible student government committed to effective student participation in all areas of student concern. Our goals include allowing students to participate in the formation and the improvement of educational programs, protecting full freedom of assembly and expression in the university community, articulating and representing the student interest in the governance of the campus, providing services and coordinating activities for students, and advancing our common interests and concerns as students and as citizens. We strive to act in good faith and seek to promote the common good of the student body.

The final cause of law is the welfare of society.

— Justice Benjamin N. Cardozo, The Nature of the Judicial Process